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Project | 01

Project | 01 Craft Room

This may just be a picture of the wall, it represents countless hours of thought, work, research, and all of the other things that go into how to set up a functional craft room.  Once this is done, I'll be able to list items in my shop!


Project | 02

Project | 02 My Dog

Quite simply, this is a personal "project" if you will, that is extremely time consuming, but well worth the effort.  He is a Golden Doodle, 9 months old as of 6-27-22, and needs a lot of attention.

Project | 03

Project | 03 Hair Caps

Though there are MANY more projects that I have going, this is the most current.  I made some Hair caps for a friend at work, and now his co-workers are starting to ask if I'd make more.  Of course I couldn't say no.  So here we are.

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